What we do...

WSSA is an activist group on campus that was created to educate the campus and community about women's issues. We press the importance of equal rights and opportunities for ALL people no matter who they are...

Friday, January 22, 2010

Trust Women

In response to NARAL's Blog for Choice Day 2010's "Trust Women" theme I have much to say and could go on forever it seems like.

To me the phrase, "Trust Women" seems very pertinent when it comes to abortion. Why can't America, as a whole, grasp the fact that abortion has to deal with women and their bodies. If women want to have an abortion, we need to trust them with their decision. Not only do they know their bodies and situations the best, but they can make the decision the best because it effects THEM, not the public.

The theme was inspired by Dr. George Tiller, a doctor who was shot and killed outside of his workplace because he performed abortions. He wore a button that said, "Trust Women"...America needs to start doing so.

How personal a choice is abortion? Why must we make it so public? Picket lines and protests outside abortion clinics that scare women and could potentially harm them simply because they want an abortion? How must those women feel? Deciding to have an abortion is not an easy decision. Many women feel guilt, shame and are faced with other negative emotions during the abortion process. So, not only are women going through a difficult time, but they are being bombarded by protesters and are caused even more stress. Abortion is not a public issue, it is very very private. We need to trust women who are in these positions, and we need to give them as much support as possible.

"My body, my choice" is a very prominent pro-choice quote. I believe "Trust Women" should be added to the list.

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